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Staying Safe

We teach children that all of the adults in school are here to help. 

If your child is worried about anything at all, please tell them that they can talk to anyone in school. This could be their class teacher or Mrs Clayton, who is a trained mental health first aider. The buttons below here have some useful websites and phone numbers for children if they are worried, scared or made to feel unsafe by something, so please share this page with your child.

Useful Links

Here are some websites that might help, and some tips on adults in school you can talk to.



Ring Childline on 0800 111 if you feel scared or are worried about something. You can also go to their website here.



Everyone at school is here for you and to help you. Just talk to someone, or ask your teacher if you want to talk to a different adult, like Mrs Clayton or Mrs Harkin.

What Does Safeguarding Mean?

Safeguarding is a really, really important word. It means anything that someone does to help keep you safe. This might be making sure you don’t get hurt, or stopping people being unkind to you. Every adult in school has a really important job – to keep you safe. To safeguard you. If you’re every worried, you can talk to any adult in school who will always help!


Watch this video with Pantosaurus about the private triangle. If you are worried, just talk to an adult at school.


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