A proud member of

Friends of Sharlston School (FOSS)

Friends of Sharlston School (FOSS) is an informal group of volunteers, made up of parents and other family members, who help organise social events and fundraising for the pupils of our school and the local community. 

The aim of Friends of Sharlston is to, along with staff, provide fun events for the school and the local community. These events include discos, film nights and other themed events, all in an effort to raise funds for the school and the children. The group is very informal, and meets several times in the year, with meetings usually lasting no longer than an hour. The group is always on the lookout for new members – if you are interested, come into the school office who will provide you the details you need.

More Information

See below for more information about Friends of Sharlston School and the great events they’ve been a part of!

Friends of Sharlston School FAQ

Below are some common questions about the Sharlston FOSS group. If the answer you’re looking for isn’t here, just ask us!


Do I have to commit to every event?

Absolutely not! Everyone’s life is different (and busy!). You can help at just one event, multiple, or just as and when – even if for a few minutes!


How can I be part of the Summer Fayre or discos?

Easy – just contact us at school and we’ll put you in touch with someone to arrange everything – and thank you!


How do I join?

Come into the school office and we will give you all the details you need.

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