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Introducing Our SHINE Curriculum

At Sharlston Community School, our aim is to offer a broad and balanced curriculum, providing opportunities for all our children to gain the essential knowledge, skills and understanding which will enable them to flourish and reach their full potential in life. Our SHINE curriculum equips them to further develop and deepen this knowledge and will ensure that all children have equal access to the breadth and depth of our offer regardless of need or disadvantage. Please click to see an overview of our   Whole School SHINE Curriculum .


We have designed our SHINE curriculum, based on the national curriculum, being bespoke to our school where possible and widening the life experiences our children have opportunities to partake in. The curriculum has been carefully crafted to ensure the children are able to learn about their immediate locality and surrounding environment initially and and then consider how this compares to the wider world. The curriculum develops the key attributes embodied within our AT SHARLSTON WE SHINE message.


Our Curriculum Intent is that our children will SHINE:

 S how Respect -Respect ourselves, others, property and our surroundings

Intent: to develop confident, responsible and compassionate global citizens who demonstrate an appreciation of the world we live in  

 H ave ambition -Have high aspirations to succeed in life

Intent: to inspire pride, aspirations and high expectations of what can be achieved both during lesson and in the future

 I nvolve every one -Enjoy being together, and celebrate differences

Intent: to develop kind, fair members of a multi-cultural society who use empathy and can communicate effectively, celebrate diversity and uniqueness, tackle discrimination and promote equity.

 N ever give up -Be resilient and determined to do your very best

Intent: to develop resilient learners who persevere, take risks, are open to feedback, self reflect and embrace challenge with a growth mindset

 E njoy learning –Engage with learning new things in and out of school

Intent: to provide rich learning experiences which develop language both within and beyond the classroom, linking and recapping prior learning and motivating and engaging learners



All members of our school community have high expectations and ambitions for learning and will work together to ensure maximum impact on the development and application of knowledge and skills. The curriculum is designed to enable learners to acquire relevant subject knowledge which underpins the application of skills. Skills are carefully and progressively mapped across each key stage and subject area. Each subject is carefully planned and component knowledge builds progressively from the early years. Substantive knowledge and disciplinary knowledge is carefully placed to support all children to develop greater understanding. Regular review and retrieval practice is mapped in by teachers to support children in knowing more and remembering more. Links are made with prior learning and across subjects to ensure that children make strong connections to support them with their learning.


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