This is a useful video, from the Anna Freud website, ideal for parents to watch with their children, to start a conversation about looking after our mental health.
Our Pastoral Team:
- Mrs Clayton – Pastoral Support Officer
- Mrs Harkin – ELSA
- Mrs Graham – SENDCO
Our Pastoral Team’s key role is to champion the needs of the children who may be facing barriers to effective learning, both inside and outside the school, working with pupils, teachers, parents, carers, families, schools and other agencies, to help construct a flexible and responsive support network.
Our aims include:
- identifying particular difficulties and seeking solutions;
- setting realistic targets in order to encourage pupils to re-engage in effective learning;
- raising aspirations as Have ambition in our SHINE curriculum
- building resilience in tricky situations as Never give up in our SHINE curriculum
Areas within school that we particularly focus on include:
- self esteem and confidence building;
- social skills and friendship;
- importance of sleep, diet and exercise (and dangers of screen time/gaming)
- attitudes to learning
- resilience;
Where required, we develop one-to-one mentoring relationship aimed at sharing information, offering support and helping them to achieve their targets. Personal / social skills and positive attitudes to learning are sometimes developed by group work.
Undertaking activities to support the development of a healthy school and community environment; some of these activities are:
- 1:1 mentoring and group work;
- ELSA – Mrs Harkin is ELSA trained
- Team building;
- Lego Therapy;
- Nurture groups;
- Social Speaking
- Supporting pupils through transition.
The value of positive and active involvement by parents cannot be overstated. Talk to your child about their wellbeing and general progress and please do contact school if you have any questions. In most cases, the staff in school will identify pupils who need support, but, if you as a parent/carer have concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Support for children available in Wakefield
Support for children and young people’s mental health and emotional wellbeing in Wakefield is delivered through the Future in Mind programme. The Programme has a number of core services operating under it, which help support children and young people in different settings including online, in schools and in the community. At Sharlston Community School, we access and use this support for our children, which includes:
Child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS)
Provided by South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SWYPFT). Wakefield CAMHS provides assessment, services and support to children, young people and their families who are suffering from significant mental health or behavioural challenges. This may include:
Primary Intervention Team
Community-based support which is offered in local schools and community services and delivered by SWYPFT. Referrals for the Primary Intervention Team are completed through schools. |
Schools and education offer
Local schools are provided with the opportunity for support during their assemblies, PHSE lessons and staff training. This service is provided by the Primary Intervention Team and is requested by schools. |
Early Help Hubs
Delivered by Wakefield Council, the Hubs offer co-located services and a whole-family approach. |
Community Navigators
Provided by the voluntary and community sector, four Community Navigators work across the different areas of Wakefield. Community Navigators are contacted through pastoral support team in schools or contact the Early Help Hubs for more information.
If you are worried about a young person, you should contact the Single Point of Access (SPA) on: 01924 316 900. |
Other Resources and Links:
A young person’s guide to managing difficult feelings – Wakefield Council
Sharlston Community School recognises how important our role is in supporting parents and carers within our school community because everyone needs help and support at some point in their life.
So, when our parents/carers do and find it hard to deal with a difficult situation, or have worries around family relationships, behaviour, school attendance, emotional and mental health, domestic abuse, parental conflict, housing issues, or employment and debt problems, we strive to provide the necessary help to ensure they are directed to the right people and services. We call this our ‘early help offer’.
Please come and speak to any staff member if you have any concerns or worries and they ensure you are directed to someone who can help. Mrs Clayton – our Pastoral Support Manager – can be contacted on 01924 863044, or is usually available on the KS2 playground first thing on a morning.
The school focuses on sharing key information, tools and strategies through many different channels, as detailed below.
- As part of the Wakefield Families Together ( approach, the school is involved in Teams around School (TAS) meetings each term, in conjunction with our feeder infant/high school, our Future in Mind (FIM) Primary Practitioner, our Children’s First Hub Practitioner, School Nursing and other key professionals, as required. These meetings allow all professionals to work together, with the permission of parents/carers, to discuss their children and/or family to plan possible routes of support and advice. Sometimes the support is provided via school but can also be provided by multi-agencies.
- Every half term, the school is also involved in a half termly Future in Mind (FIM) consultation meeting, which involves our FIM Primary Practitioner as well as the newly formed Mental Health Support Team (MHST), with our school Education Mental Health Practitioner. These Practitioners sit under the umbrella of CAMHS.
- Our school has a clear Universal Plus ‘Early Help’ offer, which is led by the Pastoral Support Officer and SENDCo. As part of this offer, families are offered bespoke 1:1 sessions and meetings with relevant school staff and where required, other professionals are invited to attend to form a multi-agency approach.
- Our Academy Trust has a dedicated Education Welfare Officer who works with our school Senior Leaders’ and Pastoral Support Manager to help support parents/carers and families regarding their child’s attendance.
Local Support in Wakefield and Yorkshire
Andy’s Man Club is a talking group which provides a place for men to come together in a safe environment to talk about issues/problems they may have faced or are currently facing. Groups can be found in Wakefield and Pontefract.
Carers Wakefield supports unpaid adult carers in Wakefield district who give their time and energy to look after a family member or friend who needs support due to an illness or disability. Phone: 01924 305 544
Cash Wise is a dedicated financial support team based in Wakefield, Get Cash Wise can help you to manage your household budget, apply for benefits and access grants to help you in the home. The team can help you to switch utility providers to save money on your energy bills as well as work out which payments to make first to help you save money and pay off your debts.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) single point of access for advice and support Phone: 01924 304 172.
CAMHS stands for child and adolescent mental health services. We are the NHS service that offers support and treatment for children and young people, aged up to 18 years old, who are experiencing difficulties with their mental health and wellbeing. We also support parents, carers and families of these children and young people.
Domestic Abuse Support – Wakefield District Domestic Abuse Service (Phone: 0800 915 1561 &
It’s a very uncertain time for many of us, but particularly for those in lockdown with an abusive partner. This is why domestic abuse remains a priority for us during the Coronavirus outbreak. Find out about the support available: Domestic abuse – here to help – Wakefield Council
Financial help (Wakefield More Money in my Pocket) – Get help with money, housing and jobs during coronavirus:
Advice during coronavirus – Wakefield Council
Help At The Hub a new Wakefield service to help everyone deal with the impact of the Covid crisis on jobs, finances and much more.
Help with your child’s health a range of health services available within Wakefield
Live Well Wakefield offers support for people aged 18+ years who are facing non-clinical challenges such as; bereavement, aids & adaptations, education, assistive technology, mobility, social isolation, lifestyle advice, loneliness, long term conditions, home support, personal safety, mental health, housing finances and employment advocacy services.
Migrant Information Hub Information for migrants and services in Yorkshire and Humber.
Relationships Matter provides support for parental conflict, advice for separated parents or for couples who are experiencing relationship difficulties.
Safeguarding Babies & Infants from Wakefield Safeguarding Children Partnership
School Nursing: Contact the team on 0300 373 0944 or visit the webpage here for more information.
Star Bereavement supporting local children and young people who have been bereaved and are in need of support Phone: 01924 787384
Talking Therapies for young people aged 16 years or older who are registered with a GP surgery in the Wakefield District link Phone: 01924 234860 / email:
Wakefield Domestic Abuse Service Phone: 0800 915 1561
Wakefield Families Together accessing ‘Early Help’ and support from Wakefield Local Authority.
Wakefield Safeguarding Children Partnership
The Wakefield Safeguarding Children Partnership (WSCP) is a partnership of all of the relevant statutory, voluntary and community agencies involved in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children and young people living in Wakefield. The WSCP is the key statutory mechanism for agreeing how the relevant children’s organisations in Wakefield co-operate to safeguard and promote the well-being of children and young people and to ensure the effectiveness of the work they carry out.
Well Women Centre online support for young women aged 16 years or older.
West Yorkshire Night Owls is a new based overnight listening service for children, young people, and their parents/carers experiencing mental health; call, text or chat.
WF I Can An Online resource for children and young people in Wakefield.
National Support
24 Hour Mental Health Help Line
Phone: 0800 183 0558. A confidential helpline for anyone with mental health needs and their carers.
Anna Freud We’re transforming mental health by working with infants, children, young people and their families, their communities and professionals to deliver timely evidence-based support for all.
Phone: 0800 1111. A new online tool has been launched by Childline and the Internet Watch Foundation, which will allow the under 18s to report any nude image of themselves that have found their way onto the internet. This is simply done by creating an account with Childline and reporting a particular image.
CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) – help and support online.
Carersuk Coronavirus guidance.
Change Grow Live (CGL) offer a confidential drug and alcohol service for young people. Phone: 0808 169 8711
Combined Minds app-based support to help families and friends support young people with their mental health.
Domestic Abuse ( Find out how to get help if you or someone you know is a victim of domestic abuse.
Doc Ready helps people to prepare to talk to somebody about mental health, including a doctor.
Educate Against Hate Government advice and trusted resources to safeguard young people from radicalisation, build resilience to all types of extremism and promote shared values.
Elefriends (side by side) a safe place to listen, share and be heard.
Heads Above the Waves online advice, support and coping strategies for young people suffering from depression and self-harm.
ICON Babies Cry, You Can Cope programme supports parents and carers manage normal infant crying and to prevent abusive head trauma injuries to babies caused by shaking, also referred to as ‘shaken baby syndrome’.
Kooth free, safe and anonymous online support for 11 to 19 year olds.
Lullaby Trust raises awareness of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), provides expert advice on safer sleep for babies and offers emotional support for bereaved families
Meetwo offers a safe and secure forum for teenagers to discuss any issues that are affecting their lives.
Metropolitan Police The Little Book of Big Scams.
Mindout online instant message service that is confidential and anonymous to support and improve the mental health and wellbeing of LGBTQ communities.
MIND Coronavirus and your wellbeing.
Napac Supporting recovery from childhood abuse -The damage caused by child abuse doesn’t always end in childhood. We offer support to adult survivors and training for those who support them. We run support groups when there is funding to do so.
NHS Mood assessment and Mental Health Wellbeing Audio Guides.
NSPCC – Keeping Children Safe – Support for Parents – which includes separation and divorce, talking about difficult topics, mental health & parenting plus so much more.
NSPCC ‘Talk Pants’ With the help of the friendly dinosaur Pantosaurus, Talk PANTS is a simple conversation to help keep your child safe from sexual abuse.
Papyrus online text or phone support to young people Phone: 0800 0684141or Text: 07860 039967
Place2be provides mental health support in schools through one-to-one and group counselling using tried and tested methods backed by research.
Prevent Awareness Pamphlet for Parents (Prevent is a government strategy designed to prevent the support of extremist causes.)
Relate advice and tips for helping your relationship stay healthy.
Research in Practice supporting remote and online supervision during COVID-19.
Samaritans free, anytime support, providing a listening ear and emotional support Phone: 116 123
Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) are still operating during the COVID-19 pandemic Phone: 0330 223 0099
SelfharmUK peer-to-peer communications for young people aged 14-19. A space for them to share their encouraging experiences through the use of blogs, stories, poetry and art.
Shout available for anyone of any age, who is a resident in the UK needing support in a crisis.
Stay Alive App for those at risk of suicide or those worried about someone.
Step Change You can still get free, impartial debt advice over the phone. . Our services are currently running as normal. Call us for FREE on 0800 138 1111 (Monday-Friday 8am-8pm, Saturday 8am-4pm).
Stop Abuse Together The UK Government has launched a new advice and support site to help keep children safe from sexual abuse. The site includes advice for parents and carers on spotting the signs of sexual abuse and speaking to your child about relationships and safety.
It also signposts to sources of further support for children, adults and professionals including the NSPCC helpline and Childline.
Victim Support emotional and practical support to anyone under 18 who has been affected by a crime Phone: 0808 1689 111
CAMHS CAMHS stands for child and adolescent mental health services. We are the NHS service that offers support and treatment for children and young people, aged up to 18 years old, who are experiencing difficulties with their mental health and wellbeing. We also support parents, carers and families of these children and young people. Phone: Wakefield CAMHS SPA team: 01977 735865
Winston’s Wish giving hope to grieving children and supporting families Phone: 08088 020021
Young Minds resources for children and young people, parents and professionals about looking mental health and wellbeing.