If you have any safeguarding concerns about a child, contact
Wakefield Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on
03458 503 503
for consultation and advice
Please remember that if a child is in immediate danger, an emergency call should be made (999 on the telephone)
Our school Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is
Vicki Murray (Deputy Headteacher)
Contact details:
01924 863044
We also have two Deputy DSL’s in school:
Headteacher Julie Dunderdale
Contact details:
01924 863044
DSL / Pastoral Leader / Health & Well-Being Leader Helen Clayton
Contact details:
01924 863044
The nominated ASC committee member for child protection and safeguarding is Mrs Nicole Easterby
Contact details: email: neasterby@watertonacademytrust.org
The Chair of the ASC (Academy Standards Committee) is Mrs Emma King
Contact details: email: eking@watertonacademytrust.org
Policies for Safeguarding and Child Protection
At Sharlston School, several policies support our Safeguarding procedures in school. Please clicks for link to the documents: Safeguarding and Child Protection Policies
Operation Encompass
Our school takes part in the Operation Encompass project that runs jointly between schools and West Yorkshire Police. Operation Encompass is the reporting to schools, prior to the start of the next school day, when a child or young person has experienced, any domestic abuse. Operation Encompass ensures that a member of the school staff, (one of the DSLs) known as a Key Adult, is trained to allow them to liaise with professionals, in confidence, to ensure the school is able to make provision for possible difficulties experienced by children, or their families, who have experienced a domestic abuse incident. We are keen to offer the best support possible to all our pupils and we believe this is extremely beneficial for all those involved.
Find out more by clicking this link: Operation Encompass
Wakefield Safeguarding Children Partnership
Wakefield Safeguarding Children Partnership website is where you can find a wealth of information on how to keep children safe. the link takes you to the dedicated parents and carers page. The Wakefield Safeguarding Children Partnership (WSCP) is a partnership of all of the relevant statutory, voluntary and community agencies involved in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children and young people living in Wakefield.
Online Safety
As more and more children are using the internet on a range of devices, it is vital they are both protected, and learn about the dangers. Sometimes parents are unsure of how to do this and the associated risks to their child. Children can be at risk of grooming, exposure to inappropriate images (both violent and sexual) that impact on their mental health and, more increasingly, symptoms of gaming addictions are also being seen in young children. Please talk to us, or seek support if you are concerned about any of these issues.
Links to the websites below can help support parents to keep their children safe at home. Please see our school Online Safety Policy and also our Online Safety page for further information.
Useful Websites for Parents
WF-I-CAN is a place to find information and advice as well as self-help tips that can increase confidence and resilience.
CEOP Online Reporting
Are you worried about the way someone has been communicating with you online? Make a report to one of CEOP’s Child Protection Advisors
Educate Against Hate
Government advice and trusted resources to safeguard young people from radicalisation, build resilience to all types of extremism and promote shared values.
National Online Safety – 7 Questions to help you start a conversation with your child about online safety that will help you start an initial conversation with your child, so you have a better understanding of what they do online and how you can protect them.
O2 and NSPCC helpline-poster
O2 and NSPCC have set up a free helpline to help YOU to keep children safe online. You can get advice from our experts on anything you’re not sure about, including:
• setting up parental controls on your computer and other devices
• adjusting privacy settings
• understanding social networks
• concerns about online gaming
Parent Info is a collaboration between Parent Zone and NCA-CEOP, providing support and guidance for parents from leading experts and organisations.
Provides mental health support in schools through one-to-one and group counselling using tried and tested methods backed by research.
Prevent is a government strategy designed to prevent the support of extremist causes.
Age restrictions on Social Media
Are you aware of the minimum age for account numbers on popular social media sites and apps?
A practical guide for parents and carers whose children are using social media.
Teaching Online Safety in School – DfE
Guidance supporting schools to teach their pupils how to stay safe online, within new and existing school subjects.
This booklet offers some simple guidance about the risks your child might face online, advice about what you can do to keep them safe, and where you can go for more help and support.
Advice for parents of children with SEND
This website is a hub with expert advice guides to support children who may be more likely to experience online risks such as those with additional needs, disabilities, or certain lifestyles. From browsing the internet to gaming online, you’ll find practical tips to equip them with the right tools to thrive online.
Online Gaming Information for Parents
PEGI Ratings
Pan European Game Information (PEGI) is a European video game content rating system established to help European consumers make informed decisions when buying video games or apps through the use of age recommendations and content descriptors. Essentially, the PEGI rating on a game confirms that it contains content suitable for a certain age group and above. So a 7-rated game is suitable for everyone who is seven or older, while an 18-rated game is deemed suitable for adults only. PEGI offer a search facility to allow parents and carers to make informed decisions in regards to the content within games they feel suitable for their child(ren).
Parental Controls
Many of you will be familiar with the more traditional gaming formats and popular consoles – Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo and PC. Internet Matters have created step by step parental control guides for smartphones, search engines, broadband, mobile networks, social media and gaming consoles to assist parents and carers in putting them in control of what content their child(ren) can see.
Further Information for Parents and Carers
Childline contact number 0800 11 11 .
A new online tool has been launched by Childline and the Internet Watch Foundation, which will allow the under 18s to report any nude image of themselves that have found their way onto the internet. This is simply done by creating an account with Childline and reporting a particular image.
Childnet International
Online Gaming: An introduction for parents and carers. This leaflet explores the online gaming environment and provides a wealth of safety advice.
Common Sense Media
Provides reviews for what children want to watch (before they watch it) – Trusted ratings created with families in mind.
NSPCC – Online Games
Advice for parents to understand the risks and help your child play online games safely.
Emergency Procedures
School has regular drills to practice Evacuation and Invacuation in the case of an emergency. Our off site evacuation point is Sharlston Rovers Rugby Club.