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Subject Information

Ensuring high standards of teaching, engaging lessons and that pupils can know more and remember more, is at the heart of our curriculum. 

We believe that a powerful curriculum can open countless doors and pathways for all children, igniting a fire for learning that will benefit children throughout their entire school career and life. Our SHINE curriculum is accessible to all children, and we use a range of nationally recognised programmes, along with our own bespoke work, to provide the very best for our children. Our curriculum is based on the belief that every single child can, and will, excel – but most importantly we aim to Support and Challenge to Succeed and SHINE!.

Our Curriculum Documents

See below for various documents relating to our curriculum

ENGLISH Writing Overview

ENGLISH Writing Overview

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Phonics and Early Reading

Phonics and Early Reading

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Reading Spine EYFS

Reading Spine EYFS

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Reading Spine KS1

Reading Spine KS1

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Reading Spine LKS2

Reading Spine LKS2

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Reading Spine UKS2

Reading Spine UKS2

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Religion and Worldwide Views

Religion and Worldwide Views

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Art and Design

Art and Design

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Physical Education

Physical Education

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Design and Technology

Design and Technology

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MfL French

MfL French

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Relationships and Sex Education

Relationships and Sex Education

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