Please take a look at the following documents where you will find information about the intent, implementation and impact of the subjects we teach in our SHINE curriculum.
The school uses the NCETM Primary Maths resources which provide coherent sequencing for our whole school primary maths curriculum. The NCETM Primary Mastery PD materials also offer both high quality professional development and classroom resources. Yearly Key Instant Recall Facts are taught (including a focused approach to learning all the times tables by Year 4) throughout school to develop fluency and we follow a Mastering Number programme in Reception and KS1 to develop number sense and number facts.
Whole School Maths Progression
Overview of Curriculum for Years 1- 6
KS1 Mastering Number programme
ENGLISH – Writing
The following documents will tell you more about our English Writing curriculum. Information about our approach to teaching Reading can be found on our Phonics and Teaching Reading page here.
Whole School English Writing Progression
We use History as a key driver for the majority of our English curriculum; our carefully selected class texts link to History so children can become more aware of life in other time periods through reading and being immersed in both fiction and real life stories. We therefore have a more bespoke approach to History and have recently developed a new progressive History Curriculum, which we are continually evaluating and improving. The latest copy is available here:
NEW Whole School History Progression
In Summer 2023 the school started to utilise the Kapow Primary Curriculum to support the teaching of Geography. This supports our teacher’s professional development in geography, ensures access to high quality planning and resources for all teachers (and therefore reduces workload) and provides clarity of exactly what skills and knowledge are to be taught when and how this builds on prior learning. Our own bespoke Sharlston Subject Progression document for geography has been developed that closely meet the needs of our children, using adaptations to the Kapow Curriculum if and where needed.
New Whole School Geography Progression
Our D&T Curriculum has been designed to be bespoke to the school and progressive, using high quality planning resources from the D&T Association.
Whole School Design and Technology Progression
Our Art and Design curriculum aims to inspire pupils to develop their own creative ideas, enhance their imagination through exploring a range of different media and to take inspiration from artists from around the world.
Whole School Progression in Drawing
The PE Passport scheme is used to plan and assess high quality PE lessons, along with a package for teaching Orienteering skills. These resources also support teacher development, with access to videos demonstrating key skills being taught throughout the units. Please click the following to find out more about how our PE curriculum is progressive throughout school.
Road Map of Key Skills EYFS – UKS2
Whole School PE Long term Overview
Charanga is currently used to support the teaching of Music, along with our new Musician of the Month programme, recently developed to introduce children to a range of genres and musical styles. Children learn to play the ocarina in Year 2, the recorder in Year 3 and the guitar in Year 4. We also offer children the opportunity to learn a range of other musical instruments in individual or small groups lessons.
Musician of the Month Cycle Overview
The school delivers a quality Computing curriculum through Project Evolve and the Teach Computing scheme, with internet safety being interwoven throughout the whole curriculum.
Whole School Computing Progression
RE at Sharlston is delivered using the Kapow Religion and Worldwide Views resources, as these provide clarity of what is to be taught when, and builds on prior learning, and the resources also support teacher’s professional development in RE. The Kapow curriculum is inline with the Wakefield LA Agreed Syllabus.
Whole School Religion and Worldviews Progression
In Summer 2023 the school started to utilise the Kapow Primary Curriculum to support the teaching of Science. Teachers access high quality planning and resources and there is clarity of what is to be taught when and how this builds on prior learning. Teachers also have access to professional development resources to support their teaching of science. The Subject Leader is currently working on our own bespoke Sharlston Subject Progression document for Science which includes our Scientific Enquiry skills. Our most recent Science Week in school involved each class researching different careers which use science!
Sharlston Science Progression EYFS
Whole School Science Progression of Skills, knowledge and vocabulary
Kapow Primary Curriculum is used to support the teaching of French and is a progressive approach, building key skills and knowledge in the areas of language comprehension, language production (with careful pronunciation), strategies for learning languages and cultural awareness. Videos of French speakers are used to ensure children learn the correct pronunciations of French phonemes and vocabulary. We follow a mixed age two year cycle across Lower and Upper Key Stage Two.
French Whole School Subject Progression
Look at our learning 2024 World Book Day 2024
Kapow Primary Curriculum is used to support the teaching of lessons in Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education and covers all statutory guidance. The details of the scheme can be found below. Please visit our separate Relationships and Sex Education page for information about this aspect of our PSHE curriculum. We enhance our PSHE Curriculum by taking part in annual events such as My Money Matters Week, Charity Days (Red Nose Day/Children in Need), Anti Bullying Week and No Pens Day. We also provide opportunities for children to apply for and be trained to carry out pupil jobs in school such as Buddy Readers, Playground Helpers and Wellbeing Workers.